3 ways to Improve your Visual Strategy for Instagram

Hey everyone,

You’ve found your way to this post because you’re a blogger, or simply a passionate Instagrammer, or maybe the one who loves reading my blog. Chances also are, that you care a lot about your Instagram growth while swimming through the waves of changes Instagram has been sending our way. I am a firm believer that whenever there is change, there should be a reevaluation of strategies. In this case, it’s important to rethink our visual strategy for Instagram.

Some of the recent and controversial enhancements on Instagram include the non-chronological algorithm update, Instagram for Business and now, Instagram Stories. A combination of these changes has resulted in lower engagement. This topic frequently came up with fellow bloggers and Instagrammer and I realized that everyone experienced a sudden drop in engagement levels. Instagram is still working on perfecting the new algorithm so for now, we can only control what’s ours; the visual story we create on our Instagram profile.

I have always been receiving a lot of positive vibes on my Instagram page. Within the past year, the Instagram standard has elevated immensely, creating a greater emphasis on the visual story that we portray on our feed. Especially at first glance. An aesthetically pleasing feed is more essential than ever today, because that’s what will truly accelerate your following and engagement. This is why I have been always prioritizing my Instagram efforts on my visual strategy. Here are 3 ways which I feel will improve your visual strategy for Instagram and illustrate a stronger visual story.

1. Identify Your Aesthetic

What does that even mean? If you take a look at your favorite Instagrammers, you’ll notice uniformity in their feed. Perhaps it’s very minimalist and monochrome, or very pastel, or maybe it’s fun and colorful. Whatever it is, it looks like all of the pieces of the puzzle fit perfectly. This isn’t serendipity. This is a well thought out strategy that defines their brand.
But don’t worry, this doesn’t necessarily mean you have to stick to one color scheme. Mine is ever changing. From bright and clean photos to my trips with yellow colored canyon walls from Pondicherry, back to bright and clean photos, and then very tropical during a recent Assam trip. I do this because I want to portray an unrestricted and realistic lifestyle feed.

Maybe you’re going to travel to blue city  and chances are, you can’t run from introducing blue colors in your photos. That’s alright. As long as you plan out your content well, you can still stay true to your aesthetic. It’s just a matter of having an awareness of your aesthetic and capturing photos from that perspective. This brings me to my next point.

2. Plan Your Feed

I have been using Planoly for the past few months and it has helped me see my feed through a different lens. The way it works is, 18 recent posts from my feed are populated automatically in Planoly. Then, I upload photos I plan to share next. Once uploaded, they populate in the Planoly feed. They will be placed right above the 18 recent posts with the letter “U” marked on them, allowing you to see the continuity. Now, I’m able to seamlessly rearrange the unscheduled photos until they are placed in the most aesthetically pleasing order. This entire process has really made me enjoy illustrating my visual story to my followers.
My only complain about the app? I wish it worked offline because I accomplish a lot of my planning tasks when I don’t have connectivity. Besides that aspect, this app has become my lifeline when I publish Instagram content. Ever since I began using Planoly, not a single photo has been published to my Instagram feed without it. Once you start using Planoly, you will find yourself doing the same. You will quickly understand why it’s a worthy investment towards building a strong visual strategy for Instagram.

3. Stay Inspired

We live in a world where we are encompassed by inspiration. That means a whole lot of time is spent scrolling through our Instagram news feed. Well, here’s the good news: that time isn’t necessarily wasted because it can actually help your visual strategy for Instagram. While scrolling through, you are bound to find another creative that resonates with your style. Let other Instagrammers’ content inspire you to experiment with your feed, while also staying true to your style. A lot of us might already be doing this unconsciously. Yes, there are many Instagrammers who Inspires me in a lot different way, Sabiha, Aimee Song, Gina, Yan, Julie and many many more. Have a look at their Instagram, am sure you guys will be inspired too.

I really hope these tips help you with the growth of your brand on Instagram. I’m just an email away if you need help with Planoly or have any questions about this post. Btw, which Instagram feeds are you currently loving? Tell me in the comments! Also follow me on Instagram if yo haven't already, its @sameetaskin

Until then, stay sassy and always classy!!


  1. I do realized that top instagrammers have a uniformity in their feed but i didnt know it is one of the reasons that made them look the best. ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜

  2. Haha, much love hun! And always thankful for the support.. ๐Ÿ’•


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